03 Sep CVD Trade to Trade – Countdown to Launch
Incase you needed any more convincing about the
new CVD Trade to Trade myeDOC, did we mention:
– Never have to physically file
– No paperwork to sort through
– Always available CVDs
NGR has been supporting and transforming the way that the Australian Agricultural industry does business for nearly 20 years. By providing digital solutions that replace cumbersome paper-based processes, NGR is a driving force behind the digital-revolution of how Australian growers and producers operate in a tech-based environment for sharing data.
NGR is set to release a fully digital Commodity Vendor Declaration that will electronically transfer from Growers, through traders and on to stock feeders and feedlots as end users. This eDOC will revolutionise the way that stakeholders along the supply chain receive and share vital information about the grain being transferred. With information being instantly available to the end-user, and without the risks associated with trying to decipher hand-written paperwork that’s been passed on.
As part of an extensive industry consultation process with growers, traders, feedlots and the Australian Lot Feeders Association, NGR have developed a CVD solution that is a better process for all involved in grain trade for commodity consumption.
Already confirmed and embracing the release of the CVD Trade to Trade myEDOC to provide a streamlined, digital process to simplify their business transactions is Glencore and Kerwee Lot Feeders. Other significant traders and feeders are in discussions with NGR about implementing this new solution, following the successful delivery of the CVD eDOC for direct stock feed deliveries between growers and end users last year.
NGR’s CVD Trade to Trade myEDOC solution will be the first to market and is due for release at the end of September, ahead of Harvest. The timing of this release is not by chance, as NGR believe that it is vital for users to have access to this new fully-digital solution for their busiest time of year.
If you’d like to get on board ready for the release of the new CVD, please get in touch with the team asap by contacting jay.holland@www.ngr.com.au or calling the Service Centre on 1800 556 630 and asking to speak to Jay.