Media Release: Annual Grower Data Verification Commences

Media Release: Annual Grower Data Verification Commences

13 August 2019

The Toowoomba-based National Grower Register will this month begin its annual grower data verification campaign to ensure grower’s trading details are up to date.

The NGR was developed as a free industry service for grain growers in 2002 to reduce the duplication and onerous administration every time a grower delivered or sold their grain.

NGR GM Debbie Newmarch said it is essential that growers verify their details as the challenging weather conditions this year may have seen growers evolve their businesses and products, which could impact on the currency of their data.

“We normally remind growers to check their data through an annual verification campaign and we know our farmers suffer the same email inundation as everyone else,” Ms Newmarch said.

“We are concerned the email prompts might go unnoticed and their business information will not be updated, however we urge growers to take the time to review their details.”

“We are aware the industry has reduced payment terms, in some instances to as little as two business days.”

“The consequence of not updating their details is potential delivery, contract or payment delays due to out-of-date information resulting in invalid tax invoices, contracts and returned payments.”

“We have been a trusted service provider for almost 20 years and we do everything in our power to make sure the data the grower’s data subscribers rely upon is current, for everyone’s benefit.”

Ms Newmarch said growers can update their information via the myNGR portal or by contacting an NGR team member on 1800 556 630.

Media contact: Debbie Newmarch, NGR General Manager, 1800 556 630