How to get the most out of your NGR access

How to get the most out of your NGR access

At NGR our motto is Secure, Streamlined, Simple and as such, we want to empower you as a Data Subscriber to get the absolute best value out of your NGR platform access. The NGR system is designed to provide your team with data and products that improve daily operations and make doing business across the Australian Agricultural industry easy. So, let’s keep it simple and get straight to the point – here is how you can get the most out of your NGR access straight away.

Download Files

By applying the following settings/filters to your download file requests you can narrow the data you receive to what you need:

Bulk listing/de-listing actions

Have a batch of NGR Cards that you need to complete the same action on? You can access the bulk options section of myNGR to upload a csv of NGR Cards that need to be listed, delisted or subscribed to or unsubscribed from CVD and SGA Self Declaration.

If you do not have a csv and wish to create one from your listings, you can request a download file with the following status and then use this as a source file, just remember to remove anything that is not a NGR Card Number from the file.

Ensuring all listings are up to date and still relevant

If you are not listed on a Grower’s NGR Card, you do not have the Grower’s consent to use their information. Therefore, the Grower’s information must be removed or anonymised from your system as soon as you delist the NGR Card from you Data Subscriber account. The NGR system can help to identify out of date NGR Cards by using the ‘Deregistered’ download file type, to identify those that are no longer registered.

API integration

Implementing an API data exchange is an even easier and secure way to have your other business systems talk to myNGR. By setting up an API to automatically list, delist and create download files, an API can introduce even further efficiencies for your business. If you’d like to explore an API integration for your business, get in touch with the team via

Authorised Users Roles + Access

Having an individual log in for each staff member that requires access is integral to the ongoing security of Grower Data and Privacy, and is a mandatory requirement within our Data Subscriber Terms. In addition to having access, ensuring those users have the right access is the next stage. We have three different Roles or ‘levels’ for users: Admin, Tech, Listing, and these can be initially assigned when adding the Authorised User, or changed by an Administrative Authorised User at any time.

Giving us feedback

Highlighting to us when there are any issues, concerns, or shortfalls with the data you’ve obtained through the NGR system helps us to make improvements that ultimately benefit yourselves and other Data Subscribers. We thrive on introducing innovations to the myNGR system that improve the business activities of our Data Subscribers, so please share any ideas you have so we can investigate solutions. Our team also love to hear praise for the system and how you’re benefiting from utilising myNGR in your business.

Be an explorer

We have a range of quick videos on our YouTube channel to show you different aspects of the NGR system. Even if you set a goal to watch just 15mins of videos each week and set aside another 15mins to take a ‘wander’ around the system, you’ll be a myNGR guru in no time!

Familiarisation and frequency are the biggest keys to maximising your usage of the NGR offerings. Our team are always available for support with the myNGR system and can be reached on 1800 556 630 or via emailing