01 Sep NGR Customer Story – Emerald Grain

NGR works with a range of business across the supply chain, as well as across Australia. Recently Ayhan Oguzhan from Emerald Grain based in Melbourne, shared with us their continued positive customer experience when working with the NGR team and services.
From Ayhan:
Emerald Grain is one of the largest grain marketing and supply chain businesses in Australia with our trading and marketing team based in Australia and Asia, we are experts in commodity trading in domestic and international markets. Emerald Grain is a trusted supplier of quality Australian grain to over 35 countries across the globe.

Emerald Grain is one of the largest grain marketing and supply chain businesses in Australia with our trading and marketing team based in Australia and Asia, we are experts in commodity trading in domestic and international markets. Emerald Grain is a trusted supplier of quality Australian grain to over 35 countries across the globe.
With a long history in the Australian Ag industry, I remember the days before NGR came to fruition. Every company was creating their own customer systems, including Emerald Grain for a while with our WA growers. There was always talk about a national registration system, and Emerald Grain have been using NGR as an integrated part of our business for many years, with my own experience with NGR beginning just over 11 years ago and I became aware very quickly why others advocated its usefulness.
For our team, particularly with the volume of business we undertake nationally for trading into global markets, the reliability of the NGR system is unsurpassed. Especially since we’ve introduced the API calls integration to our systems. Previously we used to manually log-in to NGR through the web portal and download a compatible file 2-3 times a day to pick up any new adjustments made in the system. We have come along a long way with the integration between our sales system and the NGR system with anyone can go and list on a GRN and within five minutes it’s in our system. This integration has transformed our business by streamlining the process, it’s an incredible daily time-saver for the team, and we no longer have to remember to run the reports!

The confidence that our team has that the information in the NGR system is the most up to date, enables us to pay growers within 48 hours, which is a point of difference for us as we are the only trader in the market to do that.
Having the NGR system in place also means that we aren’t frequently experiencing lost or returned funds due to payment inaccuracies. The growers we deal with also have confidence in us when they are aware that we are using the NGR system which adds further value to our position in the market.
From an internal perspective, we also appreciate the ability to list and delist at any time, which adds real-time flexibility to our business operations. With the API calls now in place too, it means that everything just happens in the background and our team can focus on delivering quality service to our customers on both the grower and buyer sides.
For any business that is weighing up a decision to become a data subscriber of NGR, and particularly moving to an integrated API solution, I would say – What are you waiting for? There’s no other system that matches NGR, and the peace of mind you’ll experience knowing that it’s all just working the way it should will add unimaginable benefit to your business.
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