19 Apr NGR’s role in assisting with contactless deliveries during COVID-19
THE National Grower Register (NGR) has recently issued a communication to its Data Subscribers around the value it can provide now that contactless deliveries have become mandatory at many sites because of COVID-19.
NGR’s Business and Product Development Manager Jay Holland advised that the use of existing NGR functionality is the ideal way to provide delivery and load information while observing the required social distancing measures during COVID-19.
“Everyone is contending with what to do and how to do it, staff need to be kept safe and as does the supply chain from growers through to all end points such as feedlots, mills and export terminals.”
Mr Holland said these unprecedented times included the need for increased vigilance around online safety especially during remote working situations.
“We’re pursuing awareness for both the highest level of cyber security and reduced interaction at delivery points.”
The NGR card can be sent electronically to the delivery site instead of the grower or delivery driver physically handing over the card for processing on arrival.
“Our system means growers can SMS or email their card details to the receival point directly.”
“Beyond rolling back your tarp on arrival at a site you may not need to get out of the truck again.”
“NGR wants to enable rapid turnaround times with no unnecessary health risks, we are hoping our services can allow trucks to roll up to a site, get sampled, get weighed, tip off and leave without the need for person to person interaction.”
Growers can send their relevant NGR Card details through by logging into NGR, selecting the card to be used for delivery, and sending the “share card” link to the delivery site via email or SMS.
Along with their card link, growers could send information to the receival site such as truck registration, contract numbers, the commodity/variety being delivered and anything else required at that site.
“This way when the truck arrives to deliver, site staff will know exactly what load is being received and who it belongs to.”
“During these times we need to think laterally, if anyone has any questions or requires assistance to shair their card link please contact our Service Centre on 1800 556 630 between 8am and 5pm QLD time Monday to Friday and one of our Service Centre Representatives will be happy to assist.”
Media Contact
Jay Holland
National Grower Register Pty Ltd
1800 556 630
Email: jay@www.ngr.com.au